The whole time I was making this card I had the song "Born To Be Wild" by Steppenwolf running through my head.
"Get your motor running head out on the highway
looking for adventure and what ever comes our way
yeah i got to go make it happen"
Card Detais:
Image: Cruisin by Karen's Doodles
Highway sign: Going Places Cricut cart 5 inches and welded in Design Studio
Ride: Groovy Times Cricut cart cut at 1.5 inches
Born To: Base Camp Cricut cart welded in Design Studio
Copics: G21, G85, C1, C3, C5, C7, w1, w3, w5, RV00, RV02, B93, B95, B97, Y21, YR23,R20, e43, E33, E35,
Clear spica pen on motorcycle to give it a shiny paint job