I am so excited! I received my first blog award from Pinklady50
http://wwwpaperhugs.blogspot.com/ She is so sweet and very creative.
There are a few requirements to accepting the Honest Scrap Award and they are as follows. A) I must thank the person who gave me the award and list their blog and link. B) I must list 10 honest things about myself. C) I must put a copy of the The Honest Scrap logo on my blog. D) I must select at least 7 other worthy bloggers and list their links.
10 Honest things about me:
1. I have been married to my dh Tom for 17+ years
2. I have two wonderful teenage sons, Brad and Ben
3. My favorite color is light yellow but I rarely use it in my crafting
4. I teach the kindergarten class at our church
5. I am shy around large groups of people
6. It took me awhile before I had enough nerve to start a blog but I am loving it!
7. I grew up in the city but now live on a farm
8. My favorite drink is diet coke with lime
9. I have so much fun creating cards, scrapbook layouts and other crafts
10. My favorite author is Janet Evanovich
Now for the 7 bloggers...I chose the following crafters because they each have their own unique style and they have inspired me. Some are new bloggers so check out their blogs and leave them some encouragement.